About Nancy

I always enjoy learning about the person behind the blogs I read, so I will tell you a little about me today and more later on.
I am a Christian, "above all else". That means I am a believer of the Living God.
 I am divorced (not by choice). I am a mother of a beautiful daughter and awesome son. I have seven amazing grandchildren. Amber, my daughter is married to JD and they have three children, Bailey, Katelyn, Kelsi.  My son Jerad and spouse Stephanie have four children, Ashleigh, Johannah, Savannah and Tristan. They are all together a package of joy in my life.
I attend church at Bethlehem Baptist Church outside of  Farmersville, Texas. You have to drive seven miles out of town and four more miles down a country road to get there. My great great grandfather started this  church and a school in his log cabin home in the mid 1800"s. I was secretary at Bethlehem for many years but now that I am semi-retired I do the cleaning there, some trip planning and womens' ministry. My brother, David Meeks is the pastor there.
I live only a short distance from the church. My modest little country red brick farm house sits up on a hill and I love the view, especially early in the morning or at night when the stars are shining.
I love to cook, redo old furniture and buy and sell other things from the past. I am a hair stylist, licensed realtor, former securities and insurance rep. I love to take short trips and go to flea markets and estate sales. I sell on eBay and Amazon.
So, with all this I will be writing about many different areas on my blog. I hope you will enjoy and visit often.
Even with all these areas of interest in my life I realize that any value I have comes from my relationship with Jesus Christ. I will always strive to put Him in the forefront of anything I do here.
I have faced many challenges in my life and He has always been there to help me through, pick me up, dust me off, kiss me on the cheek and say "Keep on in the race my child, you are not done yet." He is there when I cry "Abba, Father".


  1. It sounds like you really care aboutwhat you do and I think that your grandchildren are very lucky to have a women like you as their nana. You sound like an amzing women and an insporation to all of us who need one.

    1. Thank you Dottie for your kind words. I just love people, love Jesus and want to share with those around me. May you be blessed!
